Zechariah 3

A Change of Clothes


Choose from the following craft suggestions depending on time, age ranges, and group size. {10–15 minutes}


Option 1: A Life Change Picture

cardstock, dirt, paper plates, glue sticks, crayons, scissors, wipes, craft sticks

Gather supplies. Print pictures of an Israelite priest on cardstock (two per child). Place a small amount of dirt on paper plates. Make a sample craft.

Give each child two priest pictures. Set glue sticks, crayons, scissors, craft sticks, and dirt on each table. Have children color the priests and cut them out. Have them make one of the priests filthy by rubbing dirt on his clothes but keep the other priest “clean” (use wipes to clean children’s hands). Have them glue a craft stick between the two priests (back-to-back). Encourage the children to retell the story of how God made Joshua clean.

K-2nd option 1 craft download
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Option 2: Bubble Painting

bubble solution, tempera paint, bowls, bubble wands, cardstock, crayons

Gather supplies. Make a variety of colored bubble solutions by mixing half a cup of bubble solution with 1 tablespoon of tempera paint in bowls. Make a sample craft.

Give each child a piece of cardstock. Set crayons, bubble wands, and colored bubble solutions on each table. Have children write “God makes us clean” on the paper, then have them blow bubbles onto the paper and watch as the bubbles pop into interesting patterns.

K-2nd option 2 craft download
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Option 1: Dry-Erase Plates

white plastic plates (not paper), permanent markers, dry-erase markers, paper towels

Gather supplies. Make a sample craft.

Give each child a plate. Set permanent markers on each table. Have children decorate the outside edge of the plate, leaving the inside undecorated to be used as a whiteboard. Have them write the Big Truth on the back of the plate with permanent markers. Provide dry-erase markers that children can use to draw or write sins that make a person dirty before God, then use a paper towel to wipe those sins away.

Option 2: Bubble Painting

bubble solution, tempera paint, bowls, bubble wands, cardstock, crayons

Gather supplies. Make a variety of colored bubble solutions by mixing half a cup of bubble solution with 1 tablespoon of tempera paint in bowls. Make a sample craft.

Give each child a piece of cardstock. Set crayons, bubble wands, and colored bubble solutions on each table. Have children write “God makes us clean” on the paper, then have them blow bubbles onto the paper and watch as the bubbles pop into interesting patterns.

3rd-5th option 2 craft download
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To learn how to use the lesson components be sure to check out the How to Use section at the end of the lesson plan.

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