More Activity Suggestions
Option 1: Keep Your Eyes on Jesus
green paper, red paper, glue, craft stick
Gather supplies. Make a Go and Stop sign by attaching green paper to one side of a craft stick and red paper to the other side.
Have children line up on one side of the room, facing a leader at the opposite end. When the leader holds up the green sign, the children move forward. When the leader holds up the red sign, the children freeze. Any child who does not immediately freeze must return to the start. The first child to reach the leader wins. Remind children that when Peter kept his eyes on Jesus, he did not sink into the waters.
Option 2: Sink or Swim
green paper, red paper, glue, craft stick, plastic toy hoops (one per team)
Gather supplies. Make a Go and Stop sign by attaching green paper to one side of a craft stick and red paper to the other side.
Divide children into teams of four. Give each team a hoop, and instruct them to hold it by having each team member use one finger. Have teams line up on one side of the room, facing a leader at the opposite end. When the leader holds up the green sign, each team moves forward holding their hoop. When the leader holds up the red sign, each team must drop the hoop and stand inside it. The last team to stand inside their hoop must return to the start. The first team to reach the leader wins. Remind children that Peter did not sink into the waters when he kept his eyes on Jesus.
Option 1: Sink or Swim
green paper, red paper, glue, craft stick, plastic toy hoops (one per team)
Gather supplies. Make a Go and Stop sign by attaching green paper to one side of a craft stick and red paper to the other side.
Divide children into teams of four. Give each team a hoop, and instruct them to hold it by having each team member use one finger. Have teams line up on one side of the room, facing a leader at the opposite end. When the leader holds up the green sign, each team moves forward holding their hoop. When the leader holds up the red sign, each team must drop the hoop and stand inside it. The last team to stand inside their hoop must return to the start. The first team to reach the leader wins. Remind children that Peter did not sink into the waters when he kept his eyes on Jesus.
Option 2: Captain’s Orders
Tell children the room is a ship and they must follow the captain’s orders. If the captain shouts “Bow,” the children run to the front wall. If “Stern,” they run to the back wall. If “Port,” they run to the left wall. If “Starboard,” they run to the right wall. If the captain shouts “Hit the deck,” the children drop to the floor. The last child to the correct wall (or floor) is out. The last child remaining wins. Remind children the disciples were on a boat when Jesus came to them by walking on water.