Jonah 1–4

Big Fish, Bigger Mercy

Gospel Connection

Show how the story points to Jesus and his rescue mission as the snake crusher. {5 minutes}

Even though Jonah was the pouting prophet, Jesus used his story to point to his own death and resurrection.

The scribes and Pharisees shouted at Jesus. “Show us a sign that you are the Messiah!” Jesus had already shown lots of signs. He had cleansed a leper, healed a paralyzed man, and given sight to the blind. He had even raised the dead to life! What kind of sign were they looking for? They wanted a supernatural sign—like water turning to blood. Jesus replied to them, “Only people with no faith want a special sign like that. I will only give you one sure sign that I am the Messiah. Just as Jonah was three days in the belly of the great fish, so will I will be three days in a tomb” (see Matt. 12:39–40). What do you think he is talking about? Yes, he’s talking about his death—and resurrection. On Friday he died. That night (day one) and the whole day after (day two) his body was buried. Then, on day three, he rose from the grave!

But Jesus didn’t choose the story of Jonah just because the number of days matched. He chose the story because it was all about God’s mercy for sinners who repent. Jesus’s death and resurrection are the signs that prove he is the Son whom God sent to save us from our sins and the punishment of death. Anyone who trusts in Jesus—disobedient prophets or wicked enemies—can be saved.

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3 Engage

Use the following questions, activities, and crafts to help kids engage with the story.

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Dialog illustration