Gospel Connection
The story didn’t end with the call to believe. When Jesus and Peter got back in the boat, suddenly the wind stopped and the waves calmed down. The twelve must have looked at each other in amazement. This time Jesus didn’t say, “Peace, be still,” but they knew he stilled the sea. They also just saw him walk on water! They knew Jesus was no ordinary man. So, one after the other (or maybe all at the same time), they fell at his feet and confessed, “You really are the Son of God” (see Matt. 14:33).
This confession is also what the Roman soldiers who crucified Jesus said after Jesus died (27:54). And it’s the confession we will make too when we see Jesus clearly! Jesus showed that he was God’s Son and our Savior in many ways. He multiplied bread and fish to feed over five thousand people. He healed every sickness imaginable. He raised the dead. And he walked on water and calmed storms. But his greatest demonstration of power was actually the one the Roman soldiers saw when he died on the cross. That showed God’s power because it’s the way God saved us from our sins. Jesus’s death was unlike any other. He died in our place. Let’s fall down before him and trust him completely, even when the waves seem big. He’s strong enough to save us. Truly he is the Son of God!