Acts 5

The Couple Who Lied and Died

Discussion Questions

Discuss the story in small groups using the following questions. {10–15 minutes}

  1. What are some ways that people cared for each other in the early church? What were some of the rich people doing?
    The early church cared for each other by sharing their possessions with each other.
  2. What is it impossible for God to do? If God cannot lie, do you think he wants his children to lie? What should we do if we tell a lie?
    It is impossible for God to lie, and he wants his followers to be people of truth.
  3. Who told the first lie in the Bible and is known as the father of lies? What did Ananias and Sapphira do with the money they got from selling their land? What immediately happened to both of them when they lied? What does the Bible warn will happen if you make a pattern of lying?
    Satan is the father of lies, and those who make a pattern of lying will be thrown with him into the lake of fire.
  4. Why is it right to both fear and trust God? What does the Bible promise will happen if you confess your sins to God and turn from them?
    God can be trusted, but he is also a God to be feared.


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Dialog illustration