Mark 3

Follow the Leader

Discussion Questions

Discuss the story in small groups using the following questions. {10–15 minutes}

  1. What did Jesus tell Matthew, James, and John to do when he met them? What do you call people who follow Jesus? Who can become a disciple?
    If you follow Jesus, you are his disciple.
  2. How many men did Jesus call to be his first disciples? How many tribes did Israel have? What was Jesus trying to show by choosing twelve to be his disciples?
    Jesus chose twelve men as his first disciples to form a new people of God—the church.
  3. What was another name for the twelve disciples? What does apostle mean? What did Jesus give the twelve apostles the power to do as he sent them out?
    The twelve disciples were sent out to preach the good news and cast out demons.
  4. Where were God’s people from in the Old Testament? What’s different about God’s people in the New Testament?
    God’s family is now made up of people from all over the world, not just Israel.


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Dialog illustration