Mark 3

Follow the Leader

The Big Picture

At the beginning of your lesson, build anticipation by introducing the setting and the significance of what is about to happen in this week's story. {5 minutes}

Followers of Jesus are called disciples. When they began to follow him, Jesus’s disciples also became part of Jesus’s family (see Mark 3:34–35). Last lesson we met Levi (also called Matthew), the tax collector. Remember when Jesus called him and Levi left his old life and followed Jesus? He became a disciple. There are millions and millions of disciples today; and there have been billions and billions throughout history. But Jesus started with twelve disciples. He picked twelve so they could share a dozen donuts for breakfast. Just kidding! He picked twelve because there had been twelve tribes of Israel that made up the people of God, and Jesus would use his twelve disciples (who were all from Jewish tribes) to form a new people of God (called the church). Today we learn a bit about them—their names, why they are important, and what Jesus called them to do. “The household of God” (God’s family—the church) is “built on [the twelve disciples’] foundation” (Eph. 2:19–20), with Jesus himself as “the cornerstone” (the most important stone because all the rest are built on it).


Try out the Biggest Story Curriculum. A new lesson will be available here each week.

To learn how to use the lesson components be sure to check out the How to Use section at the end of the lesson plan.

Dialog illustration